fisheye2 from Photo + Craft

Tetiba rasa macam dah lama tak update and post something new kat blog ni kan.
Anyway don't worry, be whatever you like cz Eman nak post "something" yang dah dijanjikan.

This month nak cerita pasal fisheye2 yang baru je Eman bought kat Photo+Craft, Central Market.
Bukan mata ikan yang kat pasar tu. Ni LOMO camera yang kena guna film to capture all the memories dan tak boleh preview then delete sesuka hati menggunakan kata cembung 27 degree. So, ini adalah percubaan berani mati pertama Eman.

Let's Check It Out!

Pic ni Eman amik lepas je parking moto setelah berkejaran dari CM, buka kotak Photo+Craft tu then try overlap effect ni. Terkezutt gak bila dah develop menjadi. =)

Where we were heading to? KPS da.. Ada APK event's day.

Thanks to para-para model sekalian. Sorry tak dapat bawa balik hadiah. Malangnya diorang tak faham apa yang cuba kita sampaikan. Gambar ni Eman guna untuk join UM Cares PhotoContest that were held last month.

1st Pak Su's nephew. Nur Raihan nama diberi. Boolat mata dia.

On my way to PD (MASC 2010 Celebration) Thanks guys! Have a lot of fun.

Ajat kata "aku style dengan kereta Papaku" =D

Camp-Fire + BBQ + Sharing session (Best memories with all MASCians crew)

First time menjadi pakai Bulb effect. Sebelum ni try kat I-City tak menjadi. Thanks to Chee Hang untuk unggun api tersebut.

It's time to going back guys! Hope we'll collaborate again. =)

Lunch first! See how long the table is.

Sorry la, I'm still in the process of learning in using this LOMO camera. There's a lot of things to learn before I can join another Photo Contest using this LOMO. I have to know that not everyone knows what is actually the message that I wanna pass through the picture.

Learn from the mistakes.

Lastly, Congrats to 9th college cz won the 1st runner up for the UM Cares Challenge. At least it bring a smile to our Master. RM5k bro. HAHA. Congrats again!